- 410000006-BLow-frequency Raman spectroscopy
Raman spectroscopy is an advantageous analytical tool that allows for the measurement of molecular structure and identifying chemical composition of materials based on the rotational and vibrational modes of a molecule. With advanced technology and an optimized optical design, the B&W Tek BAC102 series E-grade probe can access lower frequency modes down to 65 cm-1, providing key information for applications in protein characterization, polymorph detection, and identification, along with material phase and structure determination.
- 8.000.6048Fully automated determination of fluoride in blood samples
Sodium fluoride is used as a preservative in biological samples for alcohol analysis. All submitted blood samples, including those taken from vehicle drivers suspected of driving under the influence of liquor, have to be tested for adequate preservation prior to alcohol determination by gas chromatography. This is critical to ensure adequate sample preservation. Inadequate sample preservation may allow glycolysis and/or microorganism growth to produce ethanol.In the past this has been done by direct potentiometric measurement using a fluoride-selective electrode (F ISE), an ion meter and certified NaF standards. The sodium fluoride level was determined manually by dipping the electrode directly into the blood sample. Results were recorded manually. This poster describes two independent automated methods of analysis that allow the minimization of this tedious and time-consuming procedure.In the first one, the fluoride content in a blood aliquot is measured by direct potentiometric measurement after the addition of TISAB and deionized water. The second method employs the titration of the sample aliquot with La(NO3)3 after adding a buffer solution.
- 8.000.6057Simultaneous determination of gamma-hydroxybutyric acid (GHB) and gamma-butyrolactone (GBL) in beverages
Psychoactive gamma-hydroxybutyrate (GHB) and its prodrug gamma-butyrolactone (GBL) are substances that are increasingly abused as date-rape and recreational (party) drugs. Since the non-controlled GBL converts into the illicit GHB both in-vivo and in-vitro, their legal distinction is of crucial importance.For the forensic determination of illegally added GHB and GBL in commonly consumed beverages, this work presents a simple and sensitive method that employs direct-injection ion chromatography combined with spectrophotometric detection. The method allows to trace GHB-GLB interconversion, whether in vivo or in vitro lactone cleavage or intramolecular GHB esterification, and thus complies with pertinent requirements of law enforcement agencies.
- 8.000.6063Post-column chemistry for improved optical absorption detection
UV/VIS detection is one of the most sensitive detection techniques in trace-level chromatography. Sometimes, however, spectrophotometric detection lacks sensitivity, selectivity or reproducibility and chemical derivatizations are required. By using Metrohm`s rugged and versatile flow-through reactor, single- or multi-step derivatizations can be done fully automatically, in either pre- or post-column mode at any temperature between 25…120 °C. The variable reactor geometry allows to adjust the reactor residence time of the reactants according to derivatization kinetics. The flexibility of the reactor is demonstrated by optimizing four widespread post-column techniques: the relatively slow ninhydrin reaction with amino acids and the fast derivatizations of silicate, bromate and chromate(VI).
- 8.000.6111Fully Automated Determination of pH Using Flow Cell Technology
A high throughput automated system was developed to determine pH of culture media using a pH module equipped with an external flow cell. A custom septum-piercing, vented needle was developed to accommodate the shape and size of the customer sample vials. For this application, both accurate and precise pH measurements were required. The data presented in this document was collected by a customer as a part of their validation process and was provided for use with their consent.
- AB-204Oxidation stability of oils and fats – Rancimat method
The Rancimat method is an accelerated ageing test. Air is conducted through the sample in the reaction vessel at a constantly increased temperature. The fatty acids are oxidized during this process. Volatile secondary reaction products are formed at the end of the test that are conducted by air flow into a measuring vessel, where they are absorbed by a measuring solution (distilled water). The continually recorded electrical conductivity increases as a result of the absorption of the ionic reaction products. The time up to which the secondary reaction products arise is called the induction time. It characterizes the oxidation stability of oils and fats.This Application Bulletin provides a detailed description of the method, in particular also of the required sample preparation.
- AB-213Determination of nicotinamide by polarography
This Application Bulletins describes the determination of nicotinamide (vitamin PP), a vitamin of the B series. Instructions for the determination in solutions (e.g. fruit juice), vitamin capsules and multivitamin tablets are given. The linearity range of the determination is also specified. The limit of detection is approximately 50 μg/L nicotinamide.
- AB-215Determination of folic acid by polarography
This Application Bulletin describes the polarographic determination of folic acid, a vitamin of the B series, also known as vitamin B9 or vitamin BC. Instructions for the determination in solutions (e.g. fruit juice), vitamin capsules and multivitamin tablets are given. The linear range of the determination is also specified. The limit of detection is approx. 75 µg/L folic acid.
- AB-218Determination of thiamine (vitamin B1) by polarography
This Application Bulletins describes the polarographic determination of thiamine (vitamin B1). The procedure allows an analysis in monovitamin preparations. The linear range of the determination is also given. The limit of detection is approx. 50 µg/L thiamine.
- AB-219Determination of riboflavin (vitamin B2) by polarography
This Application Bulletin describes the polarographic determination of riboflavin (vitamin B2). The procedure allows an analysis in monovitamin preparations. The limit of determination is approx. 100 μg/L.