- AN-C-193Alkyl amines in scrubber solutions
Harmful industrial flue gases like H2S and CO2 cause corrosion of pipes and damage the environment. Adding the correct amount of amines in scrubber solutions, e.g. ethanolamines and methylamines, will neutralize these gases («gas sweetening»). Non-suppressed cation analysis with direct conductivity detection is a straightforward and robust technique for the quantification of monoethanolamine (MEA), diethanolamine (DEA), triethanolamine (TEA), monomethylamine (MMA), dimethylamine (DMA), and trimethylamine (TMA) via ion chromatography. Thanks to the high capacity of the Metrosep C 6 column, large volumes can be injected without compromising the peak shapes. The analytical technique can be used at laboratory scale but also for process analysis.
- AN-NIR-038Rapid determination of biochemical methane potential with NIR
This Application Note shows that the NIR solution based on the combination of Metrohm NIRS DS2500 analyzer and "Ondalys Flash BMP®" prediction model enable a time-saving and efficient determination of the BMP of various substrates that are used with anaerobic fermentation during biogas production. In contrast to the standard procedure, the results become available within just a few minutes. It is for that reason that this solution offers an alternative option for the optimization of anaerobic fermentation and thus the methane yields.
- AN-O-039Organic acids in samples from biogas production by ion-exclusion chromatography after dialysis
Determination of formate, acetate, propionate, isobutyrate, butyrate, isovaleriate, valeriate, and capronate using ion-exclusion chromatography with suppressed conductivity detection after inline dialysis.
- AN-T-212FOS/TAC in fermentation substrate – Reliable determination for the monitoring of biogas plants
The FOS/TAC value, sometimes referred to as VFA/TA, is a meaningful parameter for assessing both the current condition and the development of anaerobic digestion processes in a digester of a biogas plant. Knowledge of this value can help decrease the risk of acidification problems, which can result in a costly crash of the entire digestion process. Therefore, an accurate and reliable determination of the FOS/TAC value is important for both efficient and cost-effective production operations. This value is determined by an acid-base titration. Using the Eco Titrator from Metrohm equipped with an Ecotrode plus electrode, a reproducible and accurate determination of the FOS/TAC value is possible.
- WP-071Improving the corn to ethanol fermentation process with near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS)
The fermentation of corn starch to produce ethanol is a complex biochemical process that requires monitoring of many different parameters (e.g., solids, pH, sugar profile, glycerol, lactic and acetic acid, and water and ethanol content). Traditional laboratory analysis using primary methods (e.g. Karl Fischer titration) takes about an hour to complete and is a limiting step for increasing plant capacity and efficiency. As a fast and non-destructive analytical technique, near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) can replace routine laboratory analysis, decreasing operating costs and increasing plant efficiency and capacity. This White Paper describes the capabilities of the modern analytical method near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy for monitoring and improving the fermentation process of corn to ethanol.