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Metrohm has developed two optimized methods to determine sulfite in food and beverage matrices with ion chromatography using amperometric and conductivity detection. These methods make the determination of sulfite simpler, more efficient, and more cost-effective.

Learn more about the optimized methods for simpler sulfite determination!

Download free white paper

This free white paper outlines the chemical properties of sulfite in foods and the official regulations concerning this widely used additive, it explains historical determination methods such as the Monier-Williams method and their disadvantages, and it gives a detailed overview of two optimized sulfite determination methods (IC with amperometric and conductivity detection).

Benefits of IC using amperometric detection:

  • High sensitivity for accurate quantification at 0.2 mg/kg
  • Suitable for a wide range of foodstuffs, including darker foods
  • Good signal stability and repeatability of results
  • Automated electrode cleaning method (patent filed) eliminates time-intensive manual cleaning steps and prolongs electrode lifetime

Benefits of IC using conductivity detection:

  • Precise quantification at 10 mg/kg and for higher sulfite concentrations in foods with low organic load

More IC applications for the food & beverage industry

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Download our free application notes to learn how to determine the free and total carbohydrate content of instant coffee according to AOAC 996.04 and ISO 11292, how to measure organic acids and anions including sulfite in wine, how to determine anions and cations in beer, simultaneously and with automated sample preparation, and how the AOAC method for total GOS determination in novel foods was improved to be faster and more cost-effective.

More information about the application notes

Quality labels for novel foods

This application note presents an update to the standard AOAC method for total GOS determination in foods. Learn more about how the method was improved in favor of laboratory time and running costs.

QA of instant coffee

This application note outlines how the free and total carbohydrate content of instant coffee can be determined with IC (amperometric detection) according to AOAC 996.04 and ISO 11292. Learn more about this robust, highly specific and precise quality assurance method.

Anions and cations in beer

This application note focuses on the determination of anions and cations in beer with IC. It shows how anions and cations can be determined simultaneously for the same sample and how manual preparation steps can be automated using Inline Ultrafiltration.

QC of wine

This application note presents two IC methods for wine quality analysis: a fast isocratic screening method of major organic acids and anions including sulfite, and a complex monitoring method with a binary gradient to separate 15 organic acids. Inline Ultrafiltration was used for economical sample treatment.

The benefits of ion chromatography (IC) for quality control in the food and beverage industry

Food and beverage analysis is challenging – not just because of the large number of analytes that must be monitored in compliance with the national and international norms and standards but also due to the matrix of many foodstuffs themselves. Ion chromatography has developed into a standard method for food and beverage analysis addressing these challenges:

  • IC is an easy-to-use and highly robust analytical technique
  • IC can quantify multiple components in a single run
  • IC offers automated inline sample preparation such as dialysis, filtration, and dilution that help you save time and reduce error-prone and time-consuming manual steps to a minimum

IC vs. other analytical techniques

HPLC, wet chemical, and derivatization methods frequently involve toxic and biological active chemicals. Exposure to lab staff and waste disposal make these analytical techniques risky and costly. ​IC is safe and does not produce chemical waste. Advanced technologies such as STREAM (Suppressor Treatment Reusing Eluent After Measurement) or microbore columns help to reduce chemical consumption to a minimum.​

Hyphenated techniques (e.g., GC-MS, LC-MS/MS) are powerful and very complex. However, they suffer from high operating costs, as expensive gases or pre-analytical derivatization steps and operation by experts are required.​ IC is a straightforward, compact, and direct technique, profiting from ease-of-use as well as lower instrument and operating costs.​

How Metrohm IC can help

Metrohm IC stands for robust instruments, Swiss-made quality, and global support. Furthermore, Metrohm IC offers multiple automated inline sample preparation techniques for simplified food and beverage analysis: Inline Ultrafiltration, Inline Dialysis, Inline Dilution, Inline Extraction, Inline Matrix Elimination, Inline Preconcentration, Inline Degassing, Intelligent Partial Loop Injection.