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 Voltage and pH measurement module

 Voltage and pH measurement module


  • Feature overview
  • Tech specs

The pX1000 allows the measurements of pH or pX values during electrochemical experiments. This module also provides an additional Pt1000 input which allows recording of the temperature during the experiments, either through a Pt1000 sensor or through a combined pH/Pt1000 sensor. The temperature measurement allows automatic pH corrections.

The pX1000 module can also be used as an additional differential electrometer, with the same specifications as the main Autolab electrometer. The pX1000 module is compatible with the Metrohm pH and temperature sensors.

The user can connect any pH, pX or ‘double’ electrode to the pX1000 module. In case an electrode other than a pH electrode is used, the output is given as the voltage difference that is measured between the electrodes making it possible to connect a detection electrode to perform coulometric titration. The pX1000 module also works as an independent pH meter.