Cyclic Voltammetric Stripping applications
Cyclic voltammetric stripping (CVS) is an electrochemical technique used for analyzing the content of organic additives in plating baths. Our experts have compiled various application documents on CVS applications for different additives.
- AN-PAN-1067Online analysis of organic additives in copper plating process
Monitoring organic additives in copper plating baths is crucial. The 2060 CVS Process Analyzer optimizes copper electroplating by providing precise bath control.
- 8.000.6113Determination of Trace Level Lead (Pb) in Drinking Water Using a Mercury-Free Electrode and a Portable InstrumentAccording to the Requirements of USEPA Lead and Copper Rule
Lead is known to be highly toxic, and lead salts are easily resorbed by humans. Cases of chronic lead poisoning caused by lead metal used in the water piping system are well known. Therefore, the control of drinking water for lead content is of utmost importance. The Lead and Copper Rule (LCR) published by the USEPA (United States Environmental Protection Agency) states an action limit of 15 μg/L lead for drinking water. Using a portable voltammetric instrument, lead can be determined in these concentrations directly at the point of sampling.
- AN-EC-030Electrochemistry of microelectrodes: a comparison with common-size electrodes
In this Application Note, the electrochemical properties of electrodes with a micrometer-size surface area are compared with the electrochemical properties of electrodes with millimeter-size surface area. The comparison is made through cyclic voltammetry in a Fe3+/Fe2+ (ferro/ferri) solution, and the differences in the voltammograms are explained with the different diffusion profiles at the electrode-electrolyte interface.
- AN-V-145Suppressor «Solderon ST-200 Primary» (Rohm and Haas) in a tin bath
Determination of suppressor «Solderon ST-200 Primary» in a tin bath by dilution titration (DT) using cyclic voltammetric stripping (CVS).
- AN-V-137Suppressor «Cupraspeed» (Atotech) in acid copper bath
Determination of suppressor «Cupraspeed» in acid copper baths by dilution titration (DT) using cyclic voltammetric stripping (CVS).
- AN-V-202Determination of suppressor in acid copper baths by smartDT
The determination of suppressor with dilution titration (DT) involves numerous additions with standard solution or sample to reach the evaluation ratio. Usually fixed, equidistant addition volumes are used. With smartDT, variable addition volumes are used that are automatically calculated by the software. At the beginning, the volumes are bigger. Towards the evaluation ratio, the addition volume becomes smaller to guarantee a good accuracy of the result. The operator defines the first and the smallest addition volume to be used. All volumes in between are calculated by the software considering the progress of the determination. Using smartDT with intelligent addition volumes, the determination of suppressor can be significantly accelerated with the same or even better accuracy than with the classic DT. The time saving per determination is between 20 and 40%.
- AN-V-182Suppressor «Top Lucina a-M» (Okuno Chemical Industries) in acid copper bath
Determination of suppressor «Top Lucina α-M» in acid copper baths by dilution titration (DT) using cyclic voltammetric stripping (CVS).
- AN-V-141Suppressor «MACuSpec PPR 100 Wetter» Wetter (MacDermid) in acid copper bath
Determination of suppressor «MACuSpecTM PPR 100 Wetter» in acid copper baths by dilution titration (DT) using cyclic voltammetric stripping (CVS).
- AN-V-133Suppressor «Copper Gleam 2001 Carrier» (Rohm and Haas) in acid copper bath
Determination of suppressor «Copper GleamTM 2001 Carrier» in acid copper baths by dilution titration (DT) using cyclic voltammetric stripping (CVS).
- AN-V-184Leveler «Top Lucina a-3» (Okuno Chemical Industries) in acid Cu bath
Determination of leveler «Top Lucina α-3» in acid copper baths by response curve technique (RC) using cyclic voltammetric stripping (CVS).