pH, ions, DO, conductivity applications
Measuring concentrations with sensors is one of the simplests analytical methods available. Our experts have compiled numerous application documents on pH, ions, dissolved oxygen, and conductivity measurements of various samples.
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- AN-T-235Determination of pH in carbon black
The pH value in carbon black, an essential additive in modern lithium-ion batteries, is accurately and reliably analyzed in this Application Note by using the 913 pH Meter equipped with a Unitrode easyClean according to ASTM D1512 as well as ISO 787-9 and GB/T 1717-1986.
- AN-I-034Investigation of nucleation processes with automated titrators
This Application Note covers the formation of calcium carbonate from solution.
- AN-I-033Determination of ammonia in cacao
This Application Note offers an easy way to determine the ammonia content in cacao nibs by using ion measurement, applying the standard addition technique in a reliable cost- and time-saving manner.
- AB-121Determination of nitrate with the ion-selective electrode
It has been known for years that consuming too much nitrates from foodstuffs can result in cyanosis, particularly for small children and susceptible adults. According to the WHO standard, the hazard level lies at a mass concentration c(NO3-) ≥ 50 mg/L. However, more recent studies have shown that when nitrate concentrations in the human body are too high, they can (via nitrite) result in the formation of carcinogenic and even more hazardous nitrosamines.Known photometric methods for the determination of the nitrate anion are time-consuming and prone to a wide range of interferences. With nitrate analysis continually increasing in importance, the demand for a selective, rapid, and relatively accurate method has also increased. Such a method is described in this Application Bulletin. The Appendix contains a cselection of application examples where nitrate concentrations have been determined in water samples, soil extracts, fertilizers, vegetables, and beverages.
- AN-I-008Sulfide content of wastewater
Determination of sulfide in wastewater by direct potentiometry with the Ag/S ion-selective electrode.
- AN-I-032Dissolved oxygen, conductivity, and pH value in liquid dairy products
In the food industry, it is essential to determine and monitor certain quality parameters to guarantee consistency. This is especially important for liquid dairy products, which are subject to a strict cold chain. Both the dissolved oxygen (DO) and the pH value have proven to be reliable quality criteria. Oxygen shortens the shelf life and influences the product quality (e.g., nutritional value, color, and flavor). The DO content depends on the salinity in the sample, which is automatically calculated and corrected by the 914 pH/DO/Conductometer during the parallel conductivity measurement. Acidity is another important characteristic to measure that can be checked easily using the pH value. With the 914 pH/DO/Conductometer, all important quality criteria can be monitored with one device.
- AN-PAN-1036Online determination of alkalinity and hardness in process and make up water for beer production
Beer is a popular beverage consumed by millions of people for enjoyment, despite its humble beginnings as a water purification technique in pre-modern times. Brewing beer requires large amounts of water which must adhere to strict alkalinity, hardness, and pH parameters to ensure uniformity in flavor and appearance between each batch. Alkalinity is introduced by carbonates and hydroxides in water which raise and buffer the pH. Hardness, balanced to a large degree by the alkalinity, comes from Ca and Mg ions, mainly present as hydrogen carbonates. Depending on the concentration ranges, the 2035 Process Analyzer or the 2060 Process Analyzer are ideally suited for the fully automatic execution of these important analyses, as well as additional parameters like pH or conductivity. These process analyzers can signal the plant’s distribution system to correct the water chemistry, ensuring consistent product quality. In addition to alkalinity and water hardness, numerous other parameters can also be determined (pH, conductivity, etc.).
- AN-I-019Ammonium in Soil – Reliable determination by Standard Addition with NH4 - ISE
Nitrogen is essential for plant growth. In soil, it can be present in the form of nitrate, ammonium, or urea. Knowing the nitrogen content of soil and in which form it is present helps selecting the right kind of fertilizer to stimulate plant growth.This Application Note shows a fast and reliable way to determine the ammonium concentration in soil by using standard addition.
- AN-I-014Bromide in water
Bromide is ubiquitous in sea water, where it is present in concentrations of around 65 mg/L. By contrast, the maximum bromide concentration in drinking and ground water is usually less than 0.5 mg/L. A higher bromide content may indicate a contamination of the water caused by fertilizer, road salt or industrial waste water. This Application Note describes the determination of the bromide content in water via direct measurement with a Br ion-selective electrode in accordance with ASTM D1246.
- AN-I-013Sulfide in ground and waste water
Even in low concentration, sulfide ions cause odor and corrosion problems in ground water and waste water. They can release hydrogen sulfide in acidified water, which is toxic in even minuscule amounts. This Application Note describes the determination of sulfide concentration in water via direct measurement with the Ag/S-ISE in accordance with ASTM D4658.