Spectroelectrochemistry applications
Spectroelectrochemistry is an experimental method that combines electrochemistry and spectroscopy. It studies the process of electrochemical reactions with simultaneous optical monitoring. The spectroscopic measurement provides useful complementary information during an electrochemical measurement, such as reaction intermediates or product structures.
Our experts have compiled various application documents on spectroelectrochemical measurements. Use the filters to search the applications by analyte/parameter, sample matrix, or industry.
- AN-RA-009Comparison of SPELEC RAMAN and standard Raman microscopes
This Application Note compares SPELEC RAMAN and a standard Raman instrument by analyzing their performance in measuring single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNT).
- AN-EC-033Utilizing hyphenated EC-Raman to study a model system
This Application Note presents a walkthrough of an experiment on 4-nitrothiophenol using hyphenated EC-Raman, a combination of Raman spectroscopy and electrochemistry.
- AN-FLU-002Understanding the mechanism of a bioassay indicator by fluorescence
Alamar Blue is monitored with fluorescence spectroelectrochemistry during its irreversible reduction to resorufin and further reversible reduction to dihydroresorufin.
- AN-RA-008Easy detection of enzymes with the electrochemical-SERS effect
Low sensitivity has limited the use of Raman spectroscopy as a detection method. However, the surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) effect has improved its effectivity for analytical use. Aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH) and cytochrome c are analyzed by Raman spectroelectrochemistry as a proof of concept in this Application Note.
- AN-RS-042Revealing battery secrets with EC-Raman solutions
Electrochemical Raman (EC-Raman) spectroscopy enhances comprehension of energy storage devices by tracking physicochemical changes. This note details EC-Raman findings during nickel-metal hydride (NiMH) battery charge and discharge simulations.
- AN-SEC-004Spectroelectrochemical analysis of electrochromic materials
Poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) (PEDOT) is one of the most promising ICPs due to its high conductivity, electrochemical stability, catalytic properties, high insolubility in almost all common solvents and interesting electrochromic properties (transparent in the doped state and colored in the neutral state). In this Application Note, PEDOT film is evaluated by spectroelectrochemical techniques.
- AN-RA-007Enhancement of Raman intensity for the detection of fentanyl
Fentanyl, a powerful synthetic opioid, is illegally distributed worldwide. Overdosing can be fatal, causing symptoms like stupor, pupil changes, cyanosis, and respiratory failure. Just 2 mg of fentanyl can be lethal, depending on factors like body size and past usage. Given its severe impact, identifying and detecting fentanyl is crucial, as it has become a major public health crisis. Combining electrochemical surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (EC-SERS) with screen-printed electrodes (SPEs) offers a fast, effective, and precise method for detecting fentanyl.
- AN-SEC-003UV-Vis spectroelectrochemical cell for conventional electrodes
The development of a novel reflection cell for conventional electrodes facilitates the performance of spectroelectrochemical measurements. This device allows researchers to work in aqueous solutions as well as in organic media due to its chemical resistance.
- AN-RA-006New strategies for obtaining the SERS effect in organic solvents
Many electrochemical methods have been developed but are traditionally limited to aqueous media. Raman spectroelectrochemistry in organic solutions is an interesting alternative, but developing new EC-SERS procedures is still required. This Application Note demonstrates that the electrochemical activation of gold and silver electrodes enables the detection of dyes and pesticides in organic media.
- AN-EC-031Monitoring ferrocyanide oxidation using hyphenated EC-Raman
This Application Note highlights the use of Metrohm Hyphenated EC-Raman Solutions to monitor the reversible oxidation of ferrocyanide at a gold electrode. Variations of the band intensities with the potential can be used to track relative changes in the concentration profile of ferrocyanide and ferricyanide at the surface of the electrode during cyclic voltammetry (CV).