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Metrosep A Supp 21 - 250/4.0

Metrosep A Supp 21 - 250/4.0


  • Feature overview
  • Tech specs

The Metrosep A Supp 21 columns are designed for operation with hydroxide-based eluents and provide excellent separating efficiency, coupled with a very high capacity. The small particles (4.6 μm) based on hydrophilized polystyrene/divinylbenzene guarantee sharp peaks. The stationary phase exhibits high stability with respect to temperature, pressure, and pH value, and is therefore suitable for extreme working conditions.
The longer Metrosep A Supp 21 - 250/4.0 column version was specially developed for the determination of oxohalides (chlorite, bromate, chlorate), standard anions (fluoride, chloride, nitrite, bromide, nitrate, sulfate, and phosphate), und DCAA (dichloracetate). With its separating efficiency, it exceeds the requirements of the US EPA method 300.1 A+B and of the DIN EN ISO 10304-1&4 standard. The high column capacity enables the quantification of anions and oxohalides in low μg/L concentrations with excellent reproducibility, even in the most challenging sample matrices. With the wide range of elution conditions available, it is also possible to determine other anionic components, e.g. low-molecular-weight organic acids.

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