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Automated volumetric KF titration including sample preparation

Automated volumetric KF titration including sample preparation

MATi 11

  • Feature overview

Fully automated system for volumetric Karl Fischer water content determination in up to 53 samples. This system is controlled with OMNIS software and consists of an 815 Robotic USB Sample Processor XL, a 901 Titrando, a Polytron PT 1300 D and extensive accessories.

The samples are weighed out into beakers, sealed to protect against humidity and placed on the rack. Before the actual titration, a defined volume of KF reagent is added and the sample is pulverized with the help of a Polytron. The water that is released is titrated afterwards. Even samples of poor solubility, e.g., tablets, can be analyzed without difficulty with this method. The use of solubility promoters can be avoided in this way.