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Fentanyl is Everywhere

Fentanyl is destroying lives and communities. Discover how our handheld devices find fentanyl. We can begin to solve this crisis and save lives.

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Handheld Raman for fentanyl ID

The benefits

  1. Fast & accurate: We beat other field tests
  2. Safely identify deadly threats without exposure
  3. Powerful drug detection with updated libraries of illicit materials – including narcotics, party drugs, pharmaceuticals and fentanyl analogues
  4. Simple point-and-shoot operation for intuitive use wherever the search takes you

Find fentanyl – Anywhere and everywhere

Raman, material identification, 785nm, MIRA XTR, fluorescence rejection, SERS, P-SERS, trace detection, defense and security, narcotics, police, street samples, illicit drugs, task force, fentanyl, mixture analysis

Find fentanyl and make a difference.

Pure fentanyl can be trafficked in bricks and bags and is easily mistaken for other white powders. It is usually hiding in street mixtures like pills and baggies, often in trace amounts. We can find it and identify it, even if you can’t see it!


Blog: Real World Raman: Exposing fentanyl-laced, counterfeit, and illegal drugs

Application note: Fentanyl in the mail

Flyer: Fight Smuggling and Distribution of Narcotics

Accurate answers – In and out of the lab

Raman Spectroscopy, MIRA XTR, 785nm, fluorescence rejection, defense and security, first responders, illicit materials, narcotics, street drugs, handheld, fentanyl, material, identification, large libraries, unknown hazards

From bricks at the border to powder in a pocket, we ID fentanyl anywhere.

Depending on the scene, we have the flexibility to collect data from 5 feet away, without opening a baggie, on the street, or even with a robot!


Blog: Real World Raman: Mira DS in Action – Detecting drugs safely in the field

Blog: MIRA and IBEX: Out of the lab and into the unknown

Application note: See-Through Measurements of Illicit Substances in Commercial Containers with the TacticID®-1064 ST


Safe, accurate sampling

TacticID Mobile, TID, 1064nm, Raman Spectroscopy, handheld, Illicit materials, identification of unknowns, narcotics, street drugs

One simple scan can identify fentanyl and other street narcotics in powder or pills.

Our systems are designed specifically for instant, reliable identification of illicit and deadly substances by anyone, anywhere. Large libraries give trustworthy answers in real-world scenarios.


White Paper: Illicit Drug Trafficking and Border Control with Mira DS: Safe Fentanyl Identification

Raman Libraries

Report: Detecting Synthetic Opioids: Exploration of SERS and Development of Master Spectrum for Detection of Unknowns

Let's start the fight against fentanyl

Let us help you identify fentanyl. Send us your challenges and let's start talking about solutions.