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Improve titration reproducibility and efficiency with automation

40 min


// Titration

Heike Risse from Metrohm International Headquarters presents options and examples of how sample preparation for potentiometric and Karl Fischer titration can be fully automated and, therefore, be made safer, more efficient, and more reproducible.

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Automated sample preparation for faster and more reproducible results

OMNIS Sample Robot S, Dis-Cover, male lab worker with sample rack

This webinar presents how you can improve reproducibility and efficiency by using automated titration.

Key learnings:

  • Learn how automation can eliminate manual handling of toxic reagents and waste solutions.
  • Understand how automation increases reproducibility because all sample preparation steps are performed automatically.
  • Learn how automation saves time and money because parallel operation allows for a higher throughput and frees up laboratory staff.

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Additional information in our blog:

Why consider automation – even for simple titrations

Save money by using automated titration systems

How to transfer manual titration to autotitration

Metrohm: The global market leader for titration systems

OMNIS, automation, OMNIS Sample Robot S, OMNIS titrator, OMNIS dosing module, titration, covered beakers, OMNIS sample rack, female scientist, Mona Wagner

Founded in 1943, Metrohm has developed into the world-leading provider of cutting-edge instruments and solutions for titration analyses. With Metrohm instruments, you can rely on Swiss-made quality and benefit from our global presence in over 80 countries for local support by our service and application experts.

Metrohm offers the complete range of titrators, from compact, manual instruments to modern, fully automated systems for potentiometric and thermometric titration as well as volumetric and coulometric Karl Fischer titration or process analyzers. OMNIS titrators are the high-end automatic titrators for potentiometric and KF titration offering various customization and automation options.

Learn more about OMNIS potentiometric titrators

Learn more about OMNIS KF titrators