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Professional CVS

Professional CVS

Flexible benchtop analyzers for Cyclic Voltammetric Stripping.

The Professional CVS contain a wealth of functionality on a small space. The instruments allow the determination of organic additives in electroplating baths with Cyclic Voltammetric Stripping.

  • Compact system to save bench space
  • Modular design for tailor-made systems
  • Manual, semiautomated, and fully automated setups available to meet your specific needs
  • Powerful viva software for full system control, flexible method adaption, and comprehensive data management

894 Professional CVS – Cyclic Voltammetric Stripping for the determination of additives in electroplating baths (8.894.5003, PDF, 3.31 MB)

Dedicated to Cyclic Voltammetric Stripping (CVS)

The Professional CVS is a made-to-measure CVS instrument for the electroplating industry that masters large sample loads and changing applications. It is the equipment of choice for the analysis of electroplating baths, e.g. to determine the concentration of brighteners, suppressors, or levelers.

All you need for faster, more reliable, and safer analyses

The Professional CVS can be customized with automation and liquid handling modules. For instance, you can add Dosinos to take care of reagent and sample additions or pump stations for automatic rinsing, both reducing user interaction and increasing measurement accuracy.

You can further automate your system by adding a sample processor to perform fully automated, highly precise and reproducible analyses – completely unattended.

Full system control with viva

The Professional CVS and all automation modules are controlled with the user-friendly and powerful viva software. viva features an integrated, highly flexible method editor that allows viva users to adapt methods to fully suit their applications. 

The viva database – complete and clear

viva software comes with an integrated database in which all determinations are stored with all associated data, such as curves and results. The data are displayed in a practical list view that allows you to see all important information of each measurement, including the results, at a glance. By simply clicking on an item in the list, you get immediate access to the determination with all associated data, such as curves. The recorded data can also be reprocessed, for instance to recalibrate retroactively with a newly measured standard solution.

Which VA/CVS instrument fits your requirements?

Talk to your Metrohm representative and learn about the best solution for your needs!

CVS method development and optimization

Download free white paper

In our free white paper “Automated CVS Method Development and Optimization of Multicomponent Plating Baths”, two different plating bath systems are analyzed to differentiate the challenges in method optimization

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