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How to operate the Bi drop electrode

Preparing the measuring head

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In this video tutorial, you will learn how to prepare the MME measuring head (6.1256.020) for the installation of the Bi drop electrode.

Electrode installation

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Watch this video tutorial to learn how to install the Bi drop electrode, together with the reference and auxilliary electrode, in the measuring head.


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In this video tutorial, you will learn how the Bi drop electrode is activated in order to make it ready for accurate and reproducible measurements.

For details on the reagents and solutions to be used, refer to the application document (Application Bulletin, Application Work) describing your application.

Blank determination

A blank value can be determined to evaluate the electrode performance and check for possible blank values.

For details on the reagents and solutions to be used, refer to the application document (Application Bulletin, Application Work) describing your application.

Sample determination

Watch this video tutorial to learn how the concentration in a sample is determined with the Bi drop electrode, using the standard addition calibration technique.


Long-term storage

To ensure a long lifetime of the Bi drop electrode, it has to be stored appropriately.
In this video tutorial, you will learn how the electrode should be stored if it is not in use for a longer period of time, e.g. over the weekend. If the electrode is not used for a shorter period of time, e.g. during the night, it can be kept in the cleaning solution.

For details on the reagents and solutions to be used, refer to the application document (Application Bulletin, Application Work) describing your application.