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Hyphenated spectroelectrochemistry
Hyphenated spectroelectrochemistry

Hyphenated spectroelectrochemistry

EC-Raman and EC-UV/VIS spectroelectrochemistry using stand-alone Autolab PGSTATs and spectrometers


Hyphenated spectroelectrochemistry from Metrohm Autolab by connecting any Autolab PGSTATs with an external spectrometer.

  • Synchronized electrochemistry and optical measurements by using external triggering
  • Two independent instruments for electrochemistry and spectroscopy useable as hyphenated or stand-alone solutions
  • Highest specifications of the electrochemical instrumentation
  • Optional features are available for your electrochemical experiment such as: Impedance Spectroscopy, true analog scan, bipotentiostat, and many others
  • Powerful NOVA software for electrochemical measurements

Flyer EC-UV/VIS: One-stop-shop for spectroelectrochemistry (8.000.5231, PDF, 582 KB)

Flyer EC-Raman: Hyphenated EC-Raman Battery Solution (8.000.5402, PDF, 3.73 MB)

Flyer EC-Raman: Hyphenated EC-Raman Solutions Corrosion (8.000.5403, PDF, 11 MB)

Flyer EC-Raman: Hyphenated EC-Raman Electrocatalysis (8.000.5404, PDF, 6.78 MB)


Easy hyphenation, more exploration

4684, Key words: Autolab Spectrophotometer, Autolab Light Source, PGSTAT204, open ALS spectroelectrochemical cell, spectroelectrochemistry, Ultra Violet, UV, VIS, Visibility, Autolab

By combining electrochemistry with spectroscopy, both non-invasive and non-destructive techniques, you have a dual perspective on your research. With Metrohm Autolab hyphenated spectroelectrochemistry, you synchronize your electrochemical measurements with the in situ Raman or UV/VIS spectra acquisition giving you simultaneous structural and functional information about your materials.

Metrohm Autolab hyphenated spectroelectrochemistry: versatile, flexible, and easy to use

Autolab B&W Tek Hyphenated Raman EC

With Metrohm Autolab hyphenated spectroelectrochemistry, you:

  • have the most versatile spectroelectrochemical setup
  • choose the electrochemical instrument with specs and features which best fit to your application needs
  • use existing procedures from the NOVA library or create your own ones with unlimited flexibility
  • benefit from the outstanding local Metrohm support for configuring, using, and troubleshooting the complete hyphenated solution

Learn more about our EC-Raman solution


Which potentiostat or galvanostat fits your requirements?

Talk to your Metrohm representative and learn about the best solution for your needs!

Options and upgrades

Expanding the scope with modules, ...

Metrohm Autolab offers various dedicated modules that can be fitted to your instrument to add more capabilities, such as electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, true analog scan, pH/pX measurement, electrochemical quartz crystal microbalance, control of a second working electrode, current booster and automation with multiplexing.

Did you know?

All shares of Metrohm AG are owned by «Metrohm Stiftung», a non-profit foundation dedicated to supporting philanthropic and charitable purposes in Switzerland.