and cells
Metrohm Electrochemistry offers a wide variety of complete spectroelectrochemical cells with a diverse range of materials.
Autolab Spektroelektrokemi Lätt att lägga till, alltid exakta resultat.
Hyphenated spectroelectrochemistry from Metrohm Autolab by connecting any Autolab PGSTATs with an external spectrometer.
Flyer EC-UV/VIS: One-stop-shop for spectroelectrochemistry (8.000.5231, PDF, 582 KB)
Flyer EC-Raman: Hyphenated EC-Raman Battery Solution (8.000.5402, PDF, 3.73 MB)
Flyer EC-Raman: Hyphenated EC-Raman Solutions Corrosion (8.000.5403, PDF, 11 MB)
Flyer EC-Raman: Hyphenated EC-Raman Electrocatalysis (8.000.5404, PDF, 6.78 MB)
By combining electrochemistry with spectroscopy, both non-invasive and non-destructive techniques, you have a dual perspective on your research. With Metrohm Autolab hyphenated spectroelectrochemistry, you synchronize your electrochemical measurements with the in situ Raman or UV/VIS spectra acquisition giving you simultaneous structural and functional information about your materials.
With Metrohm Autolab hyphenated spectroelectrochemistry, you:
Metrohm Autolab erbjuder olika anpassade moduler som kan monteras på ditt instrument för att lägga till fler funktioner, såsom elektrokemisk impedansspektroskopi, sann analog skanning, pH/pX-mätning, elektrokemisk mikrobalans av kvartskristaller, kontroll av en andra fungerande elektrod, strömförstärkare och automatisering med multiplexering.
A wide range of accessories is available to enable you to implement additional measurement techniques and capabilities and conduct specific applications.
Metrohm Electrochemistry offers a wide variety of complete spectroelectrochemical cells with a diverse range of materials.