요청하신 페이지의 적용되는 국가로 리디렉션되었습니다

Dr. Raman, Director Laboratory Analys Lab, India, and Niranjan Kothandaraman, PM Ion Chromatography at Metrohm India, give an overview of ion chromatography and discuss practical applications for pharmaceutical analysis.

USP updates: Ion chromatography for simple, efficient, and robust analyses

key visual, IC, ion chromatography, automation, vial, sample vessel 11 mL, liquid handling, LHQ, 940 Professional IC Vario, 2.940.2500, 858 Professional Sample Processor, 2.858.0020, sample rack, lab, person, dosino, dosing unit, 6.2743.050

The United States Pharmacopeia (USP) has updated and modernized existing monographs across all compendia to include ion chromatography (IC) methods for pharmaceutical assays and for the analysis of impurities and excipients.

Metrohm can help you:

  • Validate a method
  • Modernize or convert methods (titration or HPLC to IC)
  • Implement column equivalency
  • Search for USP-compliant Metrohm applications

More information as well as webinars, white papers, and application notes can be found here:

Bring your USP methods up to date