Detectors: Systems
947 Professional UV/VIS Detector Vario SW
As an intelligent, single-wavelength detector, the 947 Professional UV/VIS Detector Vario SW permits a secure and reliable quantification of substances active in the ultraviolet or visible range. One wavelength can be selected.
947 Professional UV/VIS Detector Vario MW
As an intelligent. multi-wavelength detector, the 947 Professional UV/VIS Detector Vario MW permits a secure and reliable quantification of substances active in the ultraviolet or visible range. Up to eight wavelengths can be freely selected. A diode array is used for detection.
945 Professional Detector Vario – Conductivity
Intelligent stand-alone detector equipped with a high-performance IC Conductivity Detector. For use with intelligent IC instruments or as independent conductivity detector.
945 Professional Detector Vario – Amperometry
Intelligent stand-alone detector equipped with the IC Amperometric Detector. Outstanding selectivity due to the four measuring modes: DC, PAD, flexIPAD, CV. The excellent signal/noise ratio and the very fast start-up guarantee the highest in measurement precision. For use with intelligent IC instruments or as independent detector.
945 Professional Detector Vario – Conductivity & Amperometry
Intelligent stand-alone detector equipped with the high performance IC Conductivity Detector and the IC Amperometric Detector, with the four measuring modes DC, PAD, flexIPAD and CV. For use with intelligent IC instruments or as independent detector for conductivity and amperometric detection.
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All shares of Metrohm AG are owned by «Metrohm Stiftung», a non-profit foundation dedicated to supporting philanthropic and charitable purposes in Switzerland.
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IC Conductivity Detector
Compact and intelligent high performance conductivity detector for intelligent IC instruments. Outstanding temperature stability, the complete signal processing within the protected detector block and the latest generation of DSP – Digital Signal Processing – guarantee the highest precision of the measurement. No change of measuring ranges (not even automatic ones) is required, due to the dynamic working range.
IC Amperometric Detector
Compact and intelligent amperometric detector for intelligent IC instruments. Outstanding selectivity due to the four measuring modes: DC, PAD, flexIPAD and CV, as well as the excellent signal/noise ratio and the very fast stabilization of the measuring signal guarantee the highest in measurement precision.