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The Switzerland-based Metrohm AG is pleased to announce the acquisition of the majority of share in DropSens S.L. The acquisition comes after a longer period of successful cooperation between the two companies in the development of screen-printed electrodes and portable electrochemical instrumentation.

With the acquisition of DropSens, Metrohm benefits from the know-how and resources of a technology leader in miniaturized electrochemistry, consolidating the company’s strategic move to extend the Metrohm solution portfolio to next generation electrochemical sensors and portable potentiostats/galvanostats.

While the company name «DropSens» will change with the acquisition to «Metrohm DropSens», the Spain-based company will continue to design, develop and produce their electrochemical technology in Asturias (Spain) and will become part of Metrohm Electrochemistry business.

Metrohm is a leading manufacturer of instruments for chemical analysis. Metrohm is unique in offering solutions for all varieties of ion analysis (potentiometric and Karl Fischer titration, voltammetry, ion chromatography, pH, ion, conductivity, and stability measurement). Besides this, the Metrohm portfolio also includes a complete portfolio for NIR-/ and Raman spectroscopy, software, dosing systems and solutions for laboratory automation. Metrohm is owned 100% by the Swiss Metrohm foundation and is represented in 80 countries by their own subsidiaries or exclusive distributors, respectively. Customers are supported with unparalleled application know-how and service.

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DropSens is a leading company in miniaturized electrochemistry providing Screen Printed Electrodes and portable potentiostats/galvanostats. DropSens designs, develops, and manufactures Electrochemiluminescence based instruments and equipments dealing with hyphenated UV/VIS, NIR and Raman Spectroelectrochemical techniques. DropSens is an ISO9001 and ISO13485 certified company for the ‘Manufacturing of sensors for medical devices’.

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