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Reliable and efficient quantification of infant formula components

Quality control of infant formula and baby food is a central topic in various local and global guidelines and regulations. To comply with them, they refer to a range of analytical methods that differ in complexity, sensitivity, and price. And this is where ion chromatography (IC) comes into play.

IC is a straightforward, state-of-the-art technique that comes at an affordable price. The high flexibility of IC instruments ensures a wide field of usage. Metrohm has compiled a range of applications in a white paper and an application note to outline the advantages of IC in quality control of infant formula and baby food.

Learn more about IC for quality control of infant formula

Download free white paper

The free white paper "Robust multiparameter analysis of infant and follow-on formulas with ion chromatography (IC)" shows methods and advantages for determining carbohydrates, micronutrients, and contaminants in infant formula using ion chromatography. It provides an overview of IC applications and a summary of important regulations and guidelines regarding quality control of infant formula.

Why use ion chromatography?

  1. IC is easy to use: Ion chromatography does not require expert operation. It is safe and does not produce chemical waste.
  2. IC is fast: With ion chromatography, you can quantify multiple components in a single run. In addition, inline sample preparation (e.g., dialysis, filtration, and dilution) can be added to save time.
  3. IC is economical: Ion chromatography is a compact and direct technique, profiting from low instrument and operating costs.

More about quality control of infant formula with ion chromatography

On-demand webinar, laptop

Watch this on-demand webinar to learn more about ion chromatography as a robust and efficient analytical technique for quality control of infant formulas and baby food. The webinar discusses application examples as well as automation and inline sample preparation techniques.

Go to webinar