Boli ste presmerovaní na lokálnu verziu požadovanej stránky

StabNet je počítačový program na prácu s dátami a riadenie prístrojov prístrojov na meranie stability. Vyhovuje smerniciam podľa FDA 21 CFR časť 11. StabNet podporuje najnovší rad prístrojov na meranie stability, sériu Professional Rancimat series. Softvér Professional Rancimat. StabNet sa dodáva v angličtine a nemčine.

Bez platného licenčného kódu získate iba demo verziu, ktorej platnosť vyprší po 30 dňoch. Ak chcete získať platný licenčný kód StabNet, kontaktujte svojho miestneho distribútora Metrohm.

Ak chcete nainštalovať ďalší jazyk, extrahujte a spustite súbor EXE z prevzatého a komprimovaného súboru ZIP. Inštalácia potom prebehne automaticky.

Ak si nainštalujete aktualizáciu čínskeho jazyka, uistite sa, že je v jazykových nastaveniach vášho osobného počítača aktivovaná príslušná podpora znakov.

Kompatibilita StabNet s operačnými systémami Windows

  StabNet 1.0 StabNet 1.1 StabNet 2.0
Windows 11 Pro/Enterprise (64 bit) - - Yes
Windows 10 Pro/Enterprise (64 bit) - Yes (not recommended)* Yes
Windows Server 2022 - Yes (not recommended)* Yes
Windows Server 2019 - Yes (not recommended)* Yes
Windows Server 2016 - Yes (not recommended)* Yes
Windows Server 2012 R2 (64 bit) - Yes -
Windows Server 2012 (64 bit) - Yes -
Windows Server 2008 R2 (64 bit) Yes Yes -
Windows 8.1 Professional/Enterprise (64 bit)  - Yes -
Windows 8 Professional/Enterprise (64 bit)  - Yes -
Windows 7 Professional/Ultimate/Enterprise (64 bit) Yes Yes -
Windows Server 2008 R2 (32 bit) Yes Yes -
Windows 8.1 Professional/Enterprise (32 bit)  - Yes -
Windows 8 Professional/Enterprise (32 bit)  - Yes -
Windows 7 Professional/Ultimate/Enterprise (32 bit) Yes Yes -
Windows Server 2008 (32 bit) Yes Yes -
Windows Vista Business/Enterprise/Ultimate (32 bit) Yes Yes -
Windows Server 2003 (32 bit) Yes Yes -
Windows XP Professional SP2 (32 bit) Yes Yes -

*StabNet 1.1 is compatible with this windows version, but it is recommended to use StabNet 2.0 as it supports 64-bit systems natively.

Download StabNet 2.0:

Download StabNet 2.0 (zip file)

Download StabNet 2.0 (ISO file)

In Release Note StabNet 2.0 you can find the differences between the software version StabNet 2.0 and its predecessor StabNet 1.1.

The following additional dialog languages can be downloaded for StabNet 2.0:




Release Notes: StabNet 2.0 (8.0103.8005, PDF, 176 KB)

System Assessment Report: StabNet 2.0 (8.0103.4001, PDF, 189 KB)

Certificate: StabNet 2.0 (8.0103.3003, PDF, 694 KB)

Download the StabNet 1.1 version with the newest upgrades here:

Download StabNet 1.1 (zip file)

Download StabNet 1.1 (iso image)

In Release Note StabNet 1.1 you can find the differences between the new Software version StabNet 1.1 and its predecessor StabNet 1.0.

The following additional dialog languages can be downloaded for StabNet 1.1:




8.103.8025EN Release Notes StabNet 1.1

8.103.8029EN System Assessment Report for StabNet 1.1

8.103.8030EN FDA certificate for StabNet 1.1

Download the StabNet 1.0 version with the newest upgrades here:

Download StabNet 1.0

The following additional dialog languages can be downloaded for StabNet 1.0:

