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Microbore ion chromatography

IC, ion chromatography, instrument photo, microbore, MB, microbore column, IC Conductivity Detector MB, 2.850.9020, 2.940.1580, 940 Professional IC ONE/SeS/PP/MB, 2.940.2580, 940 Professional IC TWO/SeS/PP/MB

Reduced costs, better efficiency, increased sensitivity

Microbore ion chromatography (IC) uses microbore capillaries and columns with a smaller inner diameter (2-mm columns) than standard bore IC (4-mm columns). With 2-mm columns, the consumption of the eluent is reduced, meaning that eluent preparation is less frequently needed and accuracy is improved.

The microbore IC systems from Metrohm allow you to save up to 75% of costs as well as increase signal sensitivity up to 20% compared to standard bore IC systems. Contact us or download the brochure to learn more about Metrohm microbore IC.

Contact us

Brochure: Metrohm Microbore Ion Chromatography (8.000.5438, PDF, 510 KB)

Metrohm microbore IC:

Your benefits

  1. Reduced costs and outstanding sensitivity: Less eluent needed, improved peak shapes, and shorter retention times
  2. High flexibility: Upgrade of any installed Metrohm standard bore IC system with dedicated microbore upgrade kits as well as easy hyphenation with high-end mass detectors
  3. Increased performance for IC applications without suppression as well as chemical and sequential suppression
  4. Metrohm IC standards: Swiss-made quality, 3-year instrument warranty, 10-year suppressor warranty, and global service and application support from our local subsidiaries

Metrohm microbore IC systems

key visual, IC, ion chromatography, microbore, MB, IC Conductivity Detector MB, 2.850.9020, lab, person

The Metrohm microbore IC systems feature microbore capillaries, 2-mm columns, and a new state-of-the-art conductivity detector, the IC Conductivity Detector MB.

  • The microbore capillaries guarantee a precise eluent flow, resulting in outstanding stability for applications with isocratic or gradient elution.
  • The 2-mm columns ensure superior separation and selectivity while reducing the flow rates and recording times.
  • The IC Conductivity Detector MB comes with a reduced cell volume and is inert against methanesulfonic acid (MSA) eluents.

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