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Eco Coulometer – affordable coulometric Karl Fischer titrator for water content analysis

Eco Coulometer

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Why coulometric Karl Fischer titration? – Direct, fast, sensitive water content determination

The Eco Coulometer is our new coulometric Karl Fischer titrator for the determination of low water contents in your samples.

Coulometric Karl Fischer titration is the gold standard method for trace-level water concentration determination:

  • It is a direct method and specific for water (low risk of matrix interferences)
  • It is highly sensitive (detection limits in the low µL range)
  • It is fast (generally, less than 3 minutes per sample)

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Eco Coulometer from Metrohm – More than just an instrument

Eco Coulometer with excellent support at an affordable price

With our Eco Coulometer, you get an inexpensive coulometric Karl Fischer titrator that comes with best-in-class Metrohm service and support:

  • Swiss-made instrument with exceptional ease of use at an affordable price
  • Reporting features for easy GLP compliance
  • Unparalleled service and support from the extensive global Metrohm network

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Solid samples? – No problem

Automated coulometric water content determination with the Eco Coulometer from Metrohm

You have to analyze solid samples? No problem!

Pair up your Eco Coulometer with a Karl Fischer oven and extract the water from your samples easily to get accurate results.

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Want to learn more? Download the brochure

Download brochure

Find more details and ordering information on our new Eco Coulometer in the brochure.

How can we help you? – Contact us