Is having a service agreement important?
Aug 7, 2023
When purchasing a new car, buyers generally don’t think twice about adding on a service package – engines should be serviced regularly to perform in top condition. The risk of a breakdown, especially at the worst possible moment, is too great otherwise. The same line of thought should apply when it comes to your analytical laboratory equipment. Laboratory personnel know the pain resulting from instruments causing trouble right in the middle of an important analysis series. This can cascade further by putting deadlines in jeopardy, such as during a campaign when everything comes to a halt if results cannot be delivered on time. On top of that are the unexpected repair costs that were not necessarily foreseen in the budget. However, a simple solution for this complicated sounding problem exists—a service agreement.
So, to answer the question: «Is having a service agreement important?», the short answer is «Yes!». Service agreements ensure the access to trained professionals who are there when they are most needed, to protect your system from failures in the first place, and much more. This article will discuss the risks of not having a service agreement in place, the key element of every service agreement – preventive maintenance, and additional benefits offered by Metrohm Service Agreements.